I've been here for an inspection and an oil change on my fairly new truck, so I can't speak for anything major being done, just basic car stuff. I think this is a really well maintained shop and I feel great bringing my truck here. The staff answers any and all my 'girl' questions and they are never condescending about it. Lots of cool car geeks come here and it's fun to hear them talk about racing with the staff. Makes me happy they all have a genuine interest in cars! 1) It takes for-freakin'-ever for work here. When we first moved to Austin it took them over *5* hours to do inspections on our two trucks. I know mine squeaked through with a fault that didn't let it pass when I lived in Vermont but I'm not complaining :) because I didn't have the cash to fix it when we moved here! My oil change took an hour to get done. Normally I'm in and out in a half hour at the dealer. They didn't seem that busy but who knows. I would recommend dropping your car off and going for lunch... and a hike... and then a nap... and then waiting in line to renew your license... then come back. 2) This is just a personal beef, and it's happened twice. I only care because I really, really love my truck and I take GREAT care of it. And I saved up a LONG time to be able to afford it. Both times I have seen mechanic who "test drove it" for inspection and after oil changes go FLYING out of the parking lot and FLYING back in. It really, really pissed me off. So, in true Katie style, I e-mailed the owners. Dan, Service Manager, got back to me within 24 hours. He even made a Ferris Bueller parking garage scene reference. I think I love this place. -3 star for my pissed off blip. +2 stars for the customer service and cleanliness of this shop. OH! And check in via Yelp! $15.00 off everything but inspections!


Just wanted to add to the good reviews on here. I found the guys at JC to be friendly and professional. The car was done when they said it would be, and the cost was what was quoted. Cost was also very competitive with other shops. I've had some less than stellar experiences with bigger name shops, but these guys know their stuff, and get it done in a very reasonable time.



I drive used cars. They're paid for, and I'm not embarrassed about it. I've never had a car payment, and never bought a car from a dealership, from the time I got my first car to this very day. I take good care of cars, and only buy cars that I expect to hit 200,000 miles. Needless to say, I have spent a lot of time with auto mechanics. It is with that experience, that I feel I can recommend these guys. Their location is good (if you're in Round Rock.) The service is good, and they are straight with you on money. I've never had to bring my car back for a repair that didn't take, and I've never had any leaks or creaks resulting from their work. They're a great place to take a car that you're thinking about buying. Their pre-purchase check is solid, and has saved me from getting into some bad vehicles. One Friday afternoon we were headed out of town on a trip. We stopped for gas at a gas station a few blocks away, and the car wouldn't start back. We got it towed to JC Auto, and even though it was basically closing time, they got the part we needed (a new starter, I think) got it in and got us back on the road for our trip, with only a minor slow-down. I'm holding off on that 5th star because of one experience, possibly a fluke, that involved my car being stored at their place over the weekend of an historic torrential downpour... We had a verbal agreement to put my car under covered parking, but somehow the roof leaked and it got water in the cabin. Doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would happen when it's under cover, does it? Anywhere else I would have just never gone back, but the body of work these people had, were enough for me to go back, talk to them, and keep getting my car's work done there. And keep recommending them.


I've come to find that people usually only take the time to write bad reviews of mechanics and the like, so to see so many positive reviews on Yelp and other sites I knew this place had to be good. I was right. Any mechanic that tells you something doesn't need to be done to your car is the one to keep, that's these guys. Extremely professional and honest, and talk about an immaculately run facility, spotless. They are also good about not dumbing down their explanations, I'm pretty good on car stuff, they picked up on that and weren't afraid to talk shop with me. They also stayed late to figure out my tricky major repair (a clutch rebuild) that was giving them a little trouble, they almost seemed excited to be challenged by it! You know what? Stop reading the reviews already, this is your new mechanic. You're welcome.


This is the best garage I have ever been to. I have been using them for five years and they have never disappointed me. My pathfinder jerked when I pushed the gas paddle. I drove to Dave's Ultimate Auto, they wanted to rip me off by charging me $1000 for a turn-up while they could not guarantee this would fix the problem. I drove to J C and Jonathan helped me to find out the problem and J C fixed it for me for $75. I feel they are very honest people and I would definitely recommend them to anyone who needs a mechanic. Jonathan shocked me by how honest and sincere he is. He is definitely an asset to this garage and I am sure J C will prosper.


Based on all the good reviews, I decided to go to JC Automotive myself to get my car maintenance done. I can't speak for others, but my own experience was pretty negative. After dropping off my car during lunch, I got a call to pick it up after the service was finished. I returned after work, but stood in the lobby for 10 minutes without anyone talking to me. I was the only one there, and a guy was on the phone the entire time without acknowledging me. I got tired of waiting, so I walked into the workshop to call for someone to give me my key. One guy finally came, and I politely asked him about my car, the very common questions such as "how was the car", "was the air filter dirty". He didn't feel like answering any of these questions. All he did was repeating "it's $63, sir". I felt all he wanted was to get my money and get me out of there. I didn't know the quality of the work and the condition of my car. Maybe the car was fine, maybe they did good work, but I didn't know any of that, because they really didn't feel talking to me. You would think $63 would warrant a conversation with your car service shop. Nope! I paid and left, with a pretty bad taste in my mouth. I really want to confirm all the good reviews that everyone else has put out, so I know I've found a good car maintenance place to reply on. However, I can only relate to my own experience, which is less than desirable. I won't go there again, unless they learn to respect all customers.


I'm a new-aged mamby pamby man who knows more about cooking a risotto than I do about fixing my car. I'm also the miserly driver of a 10 year-old Honda with 140,000 hard-fought miles on the odometer. As my old friend the green reliamobile rolls toward its inevitable twilight, stuff starts happening. These old cars go with a whimper, not with a bang. Batteries crust up and die. Power windows suddenly cease to function. Starters, alternators, and flux capacitors give up the ghost. Oh, pernicious fate, I just want to get to and from work. That's where the sometimes trusty mechanic comes in. They sit in their corrugated steel lair and wait for you to appear, reeking of desperation and flush with extraneous cash. You need your transportation, and they need to extract as much of your hard-earned cash as possible. And it certainly was hard-earned...How many hours of spreadsheet building, droning through inane conference calls, and butting heads with obstinate coworkers did you endure just to have some little plastic gee-gaw replaced on your ailing sled? They've got you right where they want you, and, provided that their shockingly high price quote doesn't strike you stone cold dead of a heart attack on the spot, they will get your money. Enter the good mechanic. A good mechanic sees you quickly and treats you fairly. Issues are diagnosed correctly and priced reasonably well. In fact, the repairs often cost less than anticipated. Nobody likes have to ante up for car maintenance, but these guys make the process reasonable, tolerable, and fair. J and C Automotive is one of the good guys. If you can't do it yourself (and I can't), then everyone needs a good mechanic. And when you do find that mechanic, you need to hang on tightly and thank your lucky stars for your good fortune. That's what I'm doing now that I've found MY mechanic. I've had a few annoying issues fixed on my Honda so far. J and C handled everything fantastically, and the bill at the end was extremely palatable. These guys know their business, and they made me feel valued as a customer (and not a walking wallet to be drained). And so, as my aging Accord slouches toward the great scrap heap in the sky, I am comforted to know that I've got a good mechanic to shepherd us through the challenges to come. I get my car fixed and J and C automotive, and you should too.


A virtue to look for when finding a good garage to take your vehicle to is credibility, honesty and transparency. I think one would find all three at the Automotive Specialist starting with when you drive by or walk to the lobby, you can see all their repair bays through and through. And that is important because personally I take comfort in knowing that they have nothing to hide there. I had been struggling with finding a good mechanic for my older model Miata and these kind folks have a Miata master technician who knows those machines inside out. They are also very good about giving you a ride back to work (within reasonable distance) and picking you up when your car is ready. I give them five stars and two thumbs up!


I can't believe I haven't written a review before now - but I haven't and it's long overdue. I've been a customer for 3 years now, and I will NEVER go anywhere else. These guys are professional, courteous, friendly, funny, fast, honest, and thorough. They explain everything patiently and then give me an array of choices & the cost of each, and they explain the outcome I can expect from each choice. They take your car in, diagnose the problem, and then call you to let you make the choice based on outcome and price. If they find anything different while working and the repair/price needs or should change, they call you and get your ok before proceeding. When you pick up your car, they even give you a heads up of what else they saw while fixing the current problem so you have an idea of what necessary repairs or maintenance may be coming up down the road (sorry for the pun!). And to polish off the extraordinary service, they offer fast and courteous shuttle service. It just doesn't get any better than this guys!

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